Design Method

In a new paper published in the journal iScience by Abbey Olena, 2021.

Researchers have found a way to harness photosynthesis to oxygenate neurons in animals’ brains:

They injected cyanobacteria, or green algae, into Xenopus laevis (Xenopus Xenopus laevis) and deprive them of oxygen, forcing brain activity to stop.

When the animals were then exposed to light, the microbes in the body were able to produce oxygen and continue to maintain neural activity.

Diana Martinez, a neuroscientist at Rowan University in New Jersey, commented: “Can photosynthetic organisms be used to increase oxygen levels in the brain? “

The authors of this paper employ an elegant, easily reproducible experimental means to explore this question.” The study is the first proof of the principle that using natural resources can address brain deprivation caused by pathological injuries, such as heart attacks and strokes.


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